

Britany Gatewood

Featured in Episode 1, Dr. Brittany Gatewood is a professor of criminology and the founder of the Liberation and Justice Project Foundation. Her research centers around Black incarcerated women and children of incarcerated parents.
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Cordell (Boogie) Miller

Originally from Brooklyn NY, Boogie and Marcella met in Washington DC in 2021 where he had been incarcerated for over 30 years. In 2022 he was released and held in ICE detention before deportation to Jamaica. Boogie is in Jamaica now working to create his life and community after incarceration in a new country.

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Marcella Wiggan

Marcella Wiggan is a recent graduate of Georgetown University with a BA in Sociology and Disability Studies. She is from Oakland, CA and interested in abolitionist-centered community organizing. 


Angela Wilks

Featured in Episode 2, Angie Wilks is the founder and executive director of Reflection Of A Reformed YOU (ROAR You), which supports women reentering society after incarceration. Angie herself was formerly incarcerated for 10 years in federal and state prisons, and is a survivor of mass incarceration. Since her release in 2014, it has been her mission and promise to always be a support to women incarcerated— she continued her education, graduating as a Medical Administrative Assistant, and is currently operating a mental and behavioral health facility with over 200 individuals. Truly doing it all, Angie is a speaker, prison reform activist, community volunteer, friend, mother, and more.